GM For Hire: Judge Dredd

GM For Hire: Judge Dredd 

Contact Me: 

Facebook: GM for Hire  
Twitter: @thebissler

Update: Since I originally posted this blog entry, two groups have asked me to run a Judge Dredd campaign for them! As a result, I can now offer to run this completely home-brew campaign for the cost of £10 per player for a 3 hour session. 

Introduction: In 1987, I picked up a copy of 2000AD (Prog 510). I knew nothing about it, but was instantly hooked by this comic which took me to a variety of grim and violent futures! It wasn't long before I was buying Titan Book collections and attending signing sessions at comic shops across Glasgow! That 2000AD fandom has carried on throughout my life (as the numerous Strontium Dog Miniatures Game articles on this blog will evidence), as has my love for Judge Dredd and Mega-City One - and no wonder! It is an incredibly rich environment which can deliver a whole range of stories, comic to tragic, from the personal to the epic! As I embark on my own adventure of becoming a GM for hire, I'm looking forward to sharing that love for Mega-City One's mean streets with new players online! This post sets out some of the options to give prospective players an idea of what they can play and an idea of what to expect.

First of all, here's me chatting about this service, but please read on if you want to know more!

The System: I'm happy to run Judge Dredd using either the recent system by EN Publishing or Games Workshop's system. I feel that the GW system is slightly simpler and more intuitive, but I'd be delighted to to run either!

The Action: The action is centred in the Judges'/Perps' own patch in Sector One, but occasional visits to the Cursed Earth, other Mega-Cities and even space are possible! As you'd expect, Judges will have access to the Lawgiver and Lawmaster and other Justice Department backup (Sector House resources allowing). Judges should expect to have to deal with the lowliest of crimes such as littering and jaywalking, all the way up to mass-murder! The city is packed with bored, half-mad citizens who often distract themselves from the crushing tedium of life in Mega-City One with the latest crazies, or worse still, fall into a life of crime! Very much mirroring the strip which had a lot of Dredd tales that only ran for a few episodes, but then a number of notable mega-epics, players should expect some cases to be low-level affairs, dealing with petty criminals, but others will be far more epic in their sweep! While perp player characters will start with far fewer resources and will have to find ways to get their hands on powerful hardware, they will often find themselves at the centre of some of the epic catastrophes which have struck Mega-City One throughout the years! My central aim is to deliver the gritty tone of the Dredd 2012, but with more of the madness - and certainly the Mega-City One - of the comics, but this can be tweaked to best suit your group's needs.

My collection of Case Files! I also own the Judge Anderson and a few other Dredd books, including Origins and Day of Chaos

The Platform: Discord will be used for chat, text and images, while Roll20 will be the platform for maps and tokens to resolve combat. Note that there may be occasions where the action is resolved in the theatre of the mind, but, in general terms, I prefer to provide players with map environments in order that the action is clear and easy to understand. Music, including the Dredd 2012 soundtrack will be available to players to listen to along with other handpicked tracks from my music collection which have a similar electronic and/or guitar futuristic feel to compliment that soundtrack (can be switched off if desired).

Characters: Players have the option to play as Judges or perps. As Judges, they can be Street Judges, or take a more specialised career as Med, Tek or Psi Division*. Perps can literally be anything the player can imagine!

*Note: The Games Workshop made taking a specialist Judge difficult, but, so that specialising is easy if a player wants to go down one of those routes, I have a workaround for this to ensure players can take the type of Judge they want (assuming players would prefer to use that system over EN Publishing's system).

Game Options: Due to the heavy lifting that has to be done by a GM to run Judge Dredd - most notably in creating Perp Sheets that the Judges will almost certainly request from MAC - I am regrettably unable to offer JD at a Casual Play level. I'm excited at the prospect of creating an immersive Mega-City One experience, so this is a challenge I relish rather than fear!

Campaign Play: My Order Out Of The Chaos Campaign is fully written, realised and ready to run! Set in the immediate aftermath of Judge Cal's demise, the players take on the role of new Judges being flown into Sector One as backup - but quickly find themselves embroiled in utter chaos! With each session unfolding in real time in Mega-City One, the campaign follows the Judges' baptism of fire as they fight to bring furious citizens under control in a ferocious 21-30 hours* on the streets! Incorporating elements of action, investigation and humour, this is a campaign designed to provide a challenge to both the Judges' brawn and brains!

*Depending on many elements, the campaign is expected to take 7 - 10 sessions to run and therefore 21-30 hours in game time. 

Please check out these videos for more information on the Order Out of Chaos Campaign and details of rates to book sessions follow below...

Campaign Trailer outlining the premise and introducing the Sector House staff...

And take a tour of your patch in Sector One...


£10 per player to participate in a session. Service Charges are to provide a three hour session, and all associated preparation and writing, with charges on a per-player basis with groups consisting of a minimum of 3 players. Payment of a session via Paypal is required before the next session is played. 

Taste & Try Guarantee: If players do not enjoy themselves in the first session and do not wish to continue playing, that session is free - otherwise, payment for the first and subsequent sessions is expected. 

Immortalise Option: For an additional £2.50 per player on top of the chosen Tier pledge, a full write up of your session will feature on my blog along with a PDF copy for each player. See Green Vipers posts on this blog for examples of what you can expect.

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