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Games Workshop’s Judge Dredd RPG and Warlord Games’ Judge Dredd Miniatures Game |
Following up on the previous post which outlined how to adapt Games Workshop’s classic Judge Dredd The Roleplaying Game (JDRPG) to Warlord Games’ Judge Dredd Miniatures Game (JDMG) system, this post deals with setting out which skills players can take to boost their characters, along with rules about how skills ported from the JDRPG will work now with the JDMG.
Purchasing Skills:
As set out in the previous post, there are two ways to acquire skills. One is by spending the relevant Improvement Points (IP) to purchase the skill. The other way is through increasing stats when the player may pick a 0 Notoriety skill from the relevant category.
Note: If skills are maxed out or if a player wishes to, they can purchase a 0 stat in exchange for 1 IP. Note that if doing so, even though 1 IP has been spent, the purchased skill does not increase Notoriety at all.
Fast Aim (1): Once per turn, a Judge may perform the Aiming a Weapon action and make a Snap Shot action as a Single Action. Only available to Judges with Shoot of 4 or above.
Fast Shot (2): Once per turn, a Judge who makes two Snapshots in an activation may make a third for free. Only available to Judges with Shoot of 4 or above.
Follow Moving Target (0): When Aiming a Weapon and the target moves but not out of Line of Sight, a Judge with this skill does not suffer the -1 to hit penalty.
Gunfighter (1): As per JDMG rules.
Incredible Shot (3): as per JDMG rules, p75. Only available to Judges with Shoot 5.
Small Target Shot (1): When firing at a target, the Judge has the ability to hit a small target. The Judge does not suffers a -1 to hit as normal.
Sniper (1): As per JDMG rules, p102 but available to be used with the Lawgiver instead of a Sniper’s Rifle as usual.
All-Out Attack (2): Once per turn, a Judge who makes two Fight actions in an activation may make a third for free. Only available to Judges with Fight of 4 or above.
Applied Violence (1): When rolling for damage in close combat, the Judge may add +1 to their Power roll.
Brawler (1): As per JDMG rules.
Fists of Fury (0): When attacking without weapons, a Judge with this skill can benefit from the two weapon attacking rules as per JDMG, p27.
Knock Out (2): If the Judge inflicts 1 or more Injury Markers, they can opt to replace damage with a single Stun result but the perp is knocked unconscious and considered Subdued. Only available to Judges with Fight of 4 or above.
Leap Into Combat (0): When making a Fight action, a Judge with this ability may move up to 4” before leaping at their opponent. The Judge gets a +1 both on their roll to hit and a +1 to Power while the target gains +1 to Evade. Damage is applied as if this is a Stun weapon.
Martial Arts (0): When a Judge with this ability lands a blow in Close Combat, they can declare that they are using Martial Arts. While it causes no additional damage, they can, if desired, apply the effects of Knockback in the JDMG rules, p49. Alternatively, they can sweep the legs away from their target and any perp knocked the ground will have to spend a Single Action to stand up again. A perp on the ground may not carry out any close combat attacks but could carry out a Ranged Attack.
Painful Strike (0): When a Judge with this ability lands a blow in Close Combat, they can declare that they are using a Painful Strike. While it causes no additional damage, it weakens the resolve of a perp and means that future challenges being made against the victim gain a +1 bonus (cumulative).
Parry (0): When a close combat roll is made against a Judge with this skill, instead of attempting to Evade, they may attempt to parry the attack. Make an immediate Fight roll. For each Armour result made, cancel one of the Hit results made against them. If the perp still lands one or more Hits, skip the Evade step and instead roll for Power and Resist.
Precise Throw (0): When Throwing an object, the Judge gains +1 to their roll to hit (Fight).
Agile (0): Subtract 1 from the Injury Chart result for any damage suffered as a result of Falling (p36) or a Ram Attack (p31)
Avoid Falling Objects (0): The Judge has exceptional reflexes and gains +1 (cumulative to other modifiers) when rolling Evade to avoid a falling object or a Ram Attack (p31).
Avoid Shots (0): Once per turn, the Judge can reroll a failed Evade roll from a Ranged Attack. The PC must declare they are using this skill before a Power roll is made for the attack.
Break Fall (0): A Judge passing an Evade test can reduce the Power of a fall from 2 to 1 for every 2” (or metres) fallen. This cannot be used in conjunction with Agility skill, although a player with both could choose which skill to use for the fall.
Buddy (0): While Judges are trained to rely on themselves, some form close bonds with their teammates. If within 3” of their Buddy when they are attacked, a Judge with this skill may switch places to suffer the attack instead. Note that the switch must be carried out before any dice are rolled. It is at GM’s discretion whether they wish to limit players to one buddy or if they can have more. Certainly, any PCs displaying animosity or rivalry with a fellow teammate cannot declare that Judge as their buddy when taking this skill.
Duck (0): Once per turn, the Judge can reroll a failed Evade roll from a Close Combat attack.
Fast (3): Once per turn, the Judge can perform one Double Action and a Single Action or three Single Actions. Only available to Judges with Evade of 4 or above.
Infiltration (0): The Judge automatically passes Fancy Footwork tests and gains +1 to Stealth rolls.
Instant Reactions (1): When declared as the target of an attack, if this Judge is within 3” of cover, they may make an Evade roll. If passed, they can be moved into cover immediately. Provided the Judge is still in the enemy’s line of sight, the attack is then resolved as normal (and the Judge may attempt to Evade again if the perp’s shot hits).
Leap Onto Vehicles (0): A Judge with this skill passing an Evade test as a moving vehicle passes them can board the vehicle. As this is a reaction, it does not require an action to perform.
Martial Arts Master (1): Judge gains +1 to Evade rolls made in response to Close Combat attacks only. Available to Judges with Evade of 4 only.
Ninjitsu (0): A Judge with this skill is adept at moving silently and gains a +1 to all Stealth rolls. Available only to Judges with Evade 4.
Special Break Fall (0): A Judge plummeting from a great height can make up to 3 Evade rolls to grab on to a hover car, pole, pedway etc as they fall. For each failed attempt, the Judge automatically suffers 1 Injury Marker (and no rolls are made for the usual Falling rules). If the Judge succeeds, they manage to grab on to something that saves them!
Super Leap (0): Judges performing the Leaping/Climbing Action (p36) may add 2” to the distance they climb or jump.
Fast Draw (0): The Judge can draw their weapon without spending an action.
Cyborg (0): -2 to Move, +1 to Fight and +1 to Resist. At GM’s discretion and usually only provided by Justice Department in situations where a Judge has been seriously wounded.
Fortitude (1): as per JDMG rules, p62.
Indestructible (5): as per JDMG rules. Only available to characters with Resist 5.
Iron Constitution (0): A Judge with this skill receives a +1 bonus to resisting the effects of poison.
Recover Quickly (1): A Judge with this ability does not suffer Stun results unless the damage suffered was as the result of a Stun weapon.
Cool (Note, rolls may be made by GM on Players’ behalf)
Aura of Authority (0): A Judge with this skill commands respect from perps. He adds +1 to Cool rolls made for a Challenge.
Drokk Me, It’s [enter PCs name] (1): as per JDMG rules, p75. Reflecting the fear that Judges of legendary status instil in the local criminal underworld, this is only available to PCs with Cool 5 and must have Respect the Law skill first. The skill should only apply when Judges are operating in their own sector of the Mega-City, so will not apply when operating anywhere else.
Interrogate (0): A successful Cool roll will see a perp questioned by this character provide a useful or truthful response. Successive attempts to extract the same information from the perp suffer -1 to Cool rolls (cumulative).
Judge’s Nark (0): A Judge with this skill may attempt to manipulate any henchman-type of criminal to turn informer. A single combat die is rolled and a 2000AD result is required for success. Narks have a 50% chance of being found at their regular hideout and each time a Judge contacts their Nark, a successful Cool test will mean that the Nark know about a specific crime in their sector. They can also attempt to find out about a crime and will report using a vid-call (which can be patched through to a Lawmaster) after a period of time at the GM’s discretion.
For Justice! (1): Similar to the JDMG C’mon You Lily-Livered Scumsuckers rule, p102, the Judge spends a Single Action issue a rallying cry to return D3 of their fellow Judges’ chips to the bag. Unlike the rule outlined, For Justice! may only be used once per combat encounter but, due to the Judges all having radios in their helmets, there is no limitations on range and line of sight is not required.
Pursuit (0): When chasing perps, a Judge with this ability gains +1 to their Cool Test to keep the perp in sight.
Quick Learner (0): The Judge earns an additional 10% on experience earned at the end of an adventure.
Respect the Law (1): As per JDMG rules, p62.
Sector Knowledge (0): Judges can half travel times in their Sector down to a minimum of 10 minutes from one side of the sector to the other.
Sense Crime (0): Grants a +1 to the chances of a Judges spotting a crime occurring in their patch.
Sense Perps (0): With a range of 2 metres for every point of Cool that the Judge has, a Judge making a successful Cool test will be alerted to a nearby perp.
Sixth Sense (0): The Judge isn’t psychic, but has such heightened senses that they may as well be! Whenever perps are attempting to ambush the Judges, the GM makes a secret Cool test for the Judge with this ability. If successful, the GM makes the Judge aware and the Judge may draw a Hero Chip from the bag and activate immediately.
Special Sector Knowledge (0): Judges with Cool 4 or above with this Skill have the same advantages as Sector Knowledge but also know specific knowledge about local blocks, key stores and their owners, rivalries between block gangs, etc. It is particularly handy for GMs as it allows them to impart clues in the narrative!
Spot Hidden Item (0): Grants a +1 to the chances of spotting an item, clue or trap.
Spot Hidden Weapon (0): With a range of 5 metres for every point of Cool that the Judge has, a Judge making a successful Cool test will be alerted to a perp carrying a concealed weapon.
Street Smarts (1): Judges with this skill are alert to the threats of the city and the player takes one Big Meg Card from the GM’s hand.
Teamwork (1): Operates as per the JDMG Leading From the Front rule, p102. Note that if this is used to aid a character who has two chips already played against them, only one chip can be returned to the bag and that must be the Hero Chip.
Advanced Driver (1): If the vehicle is Out of Control (p32), the Judge may alter the D6 roll by 2.
Avoid Collision (0): A Judge may make a Drive test to avoid an otherwise certain collision.
Drive Fast (0): The Judge can add an additional 2” to the vehicle they are driving’s Move.
Driver (0): If the vehicle is Out of Control (p32), the Judge may alter the D6 roll by 1.
Emergency Stop (0): The Decelerate Action (p30) can be taken for free.
Fast Mount (0): The Judge can perform a Mount action (p28) as a free action.
Fast Dismount (0): The Judge can perform a Dismount action (p28) as a free action.
Handbrake Turn (0): A Judge passing a Drive test may turn their vehicle up to 180 degrees. A failed test will result in the vehicle going Out of Control!
Lawmaster Leap (0): The Judge can use a ramp or slope to jump his vehicle. The vehicle must already have a Moving Fast marker (p30) and can jump half its Move. When the vehicle lands, a Drive roll must be passed otherwise the vehicle is Out of Control! If the vehicle goes Out of Control, the Judge may still use Driver or Advanced Driver skills to mitigate the outcome.
Let’s Ride (1): As per JDMG rules, p62.
Vehicle Avoid Shots (0): Available to Judges with Drive of 4 or more, the Judge can, when driving, add +1 to the vehicle’s Evade.
Access (0): A Judge can treat Armour results as well as 2000AD results as a success when attempting to contact Control, MAC, other Judges, etc.
Analyse Chemical (0): Using facilities at the Sector House, the Judge may attempt to analyse a chemical by making a Tech roll. If failed, the Judge can attempt again once every five minutes although the GM may wish to limit how many attempts can be made.
Armourer Skill (4): As per JDMG rules, p71.
Disable Mechanism (0): The Judge may spend a single action to remove a vital component from any mechanism, rendering it non-functional.
Fabricate Voice Print (0): A Judge with this skill can attempt to fabricate the voice patterns of another person using a computer and voice synthesiser. The computer must have access to a voice sample and it takes D6 Turns to synthesise the voice. A Tech roll is made and the number of hits rolled noted down. When used against a perp, the target makes a Cool test with each Armour result cancelling on of the hits. If 1 or more hits are scored, the Judge will succeed in convincing the target that the voice is genuine. For a voice-activated machine, the Cool test counts Armour Rolls and 2000AD results as cancelling hits.
Fit Component (0): A successful Tech roll is required to fit a component normally for any Judge, but a Judge with this ability can count Armour results (as well as 2000AD results) as a success.
Fix Jammed Weapon (0): A jammed weapon can be un-jammed for free.
Open Lock (0): At the cost of a Double Action, a Judge passing a Tech roll can unlock a door using the Picking the Lock (p37) rules but counts Armour rolls as well as 2000AD results as successes. Note that, in addition to the -1 for triple locked mechanisms, -1 applies to keyboard passes and -2 to vocal or handprint locks.
Recognise Component (0): A successful Tech roll is required to fix a piece of equipment for any Judge, but a Judge with this ability can count Armour results (as well as 2000AD results) as a success.
Recognise Mechanism (0): The Judge can use this Skill to make a Tech roll to recognise how a booby trap or strange gizmo operates. If successful, a Judge with this skill can then use Disable Mechanism to neutralise the trap/device.
Recognise Vital Spot (0): A Judge with Tech of 4 or above can take this skill. If they pass a Tech roll, they can identify a vital point on any robot, vehicle or other mechanical object that, if hit, will disable it.
Robot Knowledge: A Judge with this ability will be able to perform a Tech test to access all available information from a robot’s memory. Note that if the robot is resisting, a Judge would have to succeed in inflicting at least a Stun against the robot in close combat but instead of inflicting damage, the Judge would be able to access its systems (and shut it down if desired). A Judge with this skill also knows about how robots are constructed and of their culture and ideologies. A Judge with a Tech of 4 or above with this skill can also, once they have seized control of the robot as above, on passing a second successful Tech test, reprogram the robot to operate for its new master. Note that it is at the GM’s discretion how long it takes to reprogram the robot and the Tech Judge may not perform any other actions while doing so. The complexity of the instructions should also be a consideration when determining this.
Example: A Tech Judge with a Cool of 4 is battling a robot. Taking a Fight action against the machine, he inflicts 2 Injury/Leak Markers, but decides to use his Robot Knowledge skill. He forfeits inflicting the damage to attempt to seize control of the robot, makes a Tech roll and passes! He decides to shut down the robot’s functions, before attempting to reprogram it. He passes another Tech test and begins reprogramming it to protect him and his fellow Judges. The GM rules that it will take 2 minutes (12 Turns) to do so. Normally this would be fine, but a block gang are moving towards their position…
Use Data: Judges can treat Armour Results as well as 2000AD results as successes when attempting to recognise irregularities in data.
Combat Medic (3): as per JDMG rules, p.71.
Emergency Resuscitation (0): A Judge reaching an incapacitated character may attempt to stabilise them. If they pass a Medical test, the character is revived and does not need to make the roll for Incapacitated characters as outlined on JDMG rules p142. Note that this ability does not heal wounds, but 1 stun per turn can be removed from a revived character as they regain consciousness.
Improvise Cure (0): Judges encountering a new disease passing a Medical test can improvise a cure from the contents of a Med Kit.
Immunity to Disease (0): This Judge has spent so much time around sick and diseased patients that they gain a +1 to resisting disease.
Knowledge of Alien Anatomy (0): Judges with this ability can, after a successful Medical roll, apply any of their skills to an alien creature encountered.
Psychology (0): At the cost of a Single Action, a Judge can use this skill instead of a Challenge to persuade a perp to surrender. While it may only be used once to attempt to convince a perp to surrender, it can be used against perps who would not usually surrender. The player makes the test against their Medical rather than the usual Cool stat.
Recognise Dangerous Lifeform (0): A successful Medical roll will allow a Judge to recognise potentially poisonous or hostile animals, plants or aliens.
Recognise Disease (0): A successful Medical roll will allow a Judge to recognise obvious signs of disease and the methods of treating it.
Revive (0): A Judge with this ability may automatically revive an unconscious character after a fight.
Animate Corpse (0): A Judge with a Psi of 4 or more may attempt to return a corpse to life for a period of time equal to their Cool in minutes. The corpse can be questioned or instructed to perform tasks - use Average Citizen stats (p91). Corpses are unaffected by Stun results and damage is applied at -1.
Detect Intent (0): This spending of a Double Action to use this skill allows the Judge to read the thoughts of other people. To attempt this ability, Psychic Blocks and all psychic activity must be dispelled for the duration of the attempt. A GM can provide a Judge who has passed a Psi test with any information they see fit, but usually these are flashes of information.
Detect Psyker (0): If actively using their Psi abilities in a given turn, a Psyker may detect the rough distance and direction of another nearby Psyker and how powerful they are. It is up to the GM how near the Psyker would have to be to be detected but powerful psykers actively using their powers may be detected from elsewhere in the sector.
Illusions (1): At the cost of a Double Action, a successful Psi test will allow the Judge to cast a three dimensional image of up to 5 metres in every direction. Any perp who sees the illusion is frozen in fear. Apply a Pinned token to the character. They cannot remove the token through a Cool test and must spend a Double Action to remove it.
Jinx Mechanism (0): Doors can be locked or unlocked, lights switched on or off, weapons fire or jam. A successful Psi roll allows the Judge to apply the effect to the desired piece of equipment.
Jinx Vehicle (0): A successful Psi roll allows you to fully control a vehicle. If the vehicle is directed out of line of sight, the Judge loses contact and the vehicle goes Out of Control (
Levitation (0): A Judge passing a successful Psi roll may make a Move in any direction as they rise up into the air. If the roll is failed, this still counts as a Single Action having been spent. A roll must be made each turn to maintain levitation and the Falling rules apply should it be broken before returning to terra firma.
Mind Probe (1): as per JDMG rules, p70.
Pre-Cog (1): as per JDMG rules, p70.
Psionic Control (2): as per JDMG rules, p70.
Psychic Attack (1): At the cost of a Double Action, a Judge making a successful Psi roll against a target in their line of sight lands a hit on an enemy. If successful, the Judge rolls their Psi again for Power, much as it would in a ranged or close combat attack. The target makes their own Psi test which acts as an Resist roll. As the attack is effectively an assault on the target’s mind, damage is applied as Orr the Stun rule.
Psychic Block (0): This allows a psyker to block their presence from anyone using Detect Psyker ability against them. Other powers can be cast while this is in effect, but anyone with a higher Psi will automatically break the block if their Detect Psyker ability has been triggered.
Super-Telekinesis (1): A Judge with Psi of 4 or above can take this ability. The Judge can spend a Double Action and, if their Psi roll is successful, they can move an object of up to 100kgs in weight up to 6 metres. This can be used to help a character or can be used to lift them into the air before dropping them and causing the model to suffer the effects of Falling. Note that Fatties and large creatures will not be able to be lifted by this ability.
Telekinesis (0): A Judge can spend a Single Action to attempt to move an object of up to 10kgs in weight up to 20 metres. Commonly used by Psi Judges to disarm perps, a successful Psi roll will enable the Judge to throw the weaponry in whatever direction they choose.
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