Strontium Dog Miniatures game - Stix & Fly's Eyes Wagner

In this penultimate Strontium Dog Miniatures Game tactics post (until more miniatures are released), we're looking at my personal favourites, the Stix and the renegade S/D Agent, Fly's-Eyes Wagner.


Outlaw! was one of the first Strontium Dog epics I read back in the day, reprinted with a horrendous colour process by the ironically named "Quality Comics". Two of the large cast of characters, both of whom are simply known as Stix, were characters that really made an impression on me. There are an unquantifiable number of Stix but they all pretty much look and act the same; strong, tough, and utterly selfish. In-game this gives you the option of fielding as many of them as you like. The pack comes with three but I invested in two sets, partly because I like the idea of having a large force of them, but also because I wanted to paint them in two colour-schemes; in cream dusters as true to Carlos' vision, and in red dusters because that was how they were depicted in the QC run when I was first introduced to them.

Their stats are very powerful indeed, although I would prefer that they had Shoot of 4. Then again, Wulf outgunned a Stix in the strip and his Shoot is poorer than that of Stix. Also, it's worth mentioning Stix stats overall are up there with the likes of Max Bubba (though they do not have his firepower or extra Chicanery Card to offer). I like that their Fight and Resist are high because that reflects the heightened strength they have in the strip. They are slightly slower at moving than most characters but that is thematically perfect for them. That their Allies and Enemies are pretty much everyone is also spot on and makes them easy to drop into any band.

Gunfighter: Despite not having the maximum Shoot of 4, they do have the thematically-great Gunfighter ability. Remember though that it cannot be used if you are Pinned but it's always worth taking that chance to return Star Chips to the bag, particularly when you have the bonus of the next ability... 

Intimidating: This is a great ability which allows a Stix to intimidate all opposing models within 8 inches. They have to make Cool tests, and if they fail, they are pinned! Oh yes, and it happens automatically without even having to spend a single action! This means that if you have a group of Stix around, if you can get them close enough, their enemies are going to be under a lot of pressure! Remember, almost every character in the game has Cool of 4 at best which is only a 51% chance of passing! 

Purposeful: This is a disadvantage which prohibits Stix from Charging or Sprinting. That's perfect for me because you never see them running in the strip! 


I see the Stix as gunfighters at heart so would personally prefer to play them that way. At the same time, it makes sense if you can get close enough to enemies to put that heightened strength to good use and brutalise enemy opponents! Having several Stix on the table, potentially activating several times a turn with their Star Chips, will cause mayhem for your opponent when inevitably some of his models start failing Cool tests and become Pinned. The fact that Stix are slow moving is an issue as you need to get them into firing range and then close in further to make use of their Intimidation before possibly engaging enemies in close combat. It's worth bearing in mind that they have good Resist so if you are unable to manoeuvre Stix into a position to claim hard cover, at least try to put some sort of cover between yourself an opponents, i.e. soft cover, enemy models will struggle to inflict much punishment before Stix are close enough to return fire.


While their abilities overall may not be the best in the game, the Stix live up to their reputation; terrifying, gun-toting, superhuman maniacs.

Optional Homebrew Rules:

Schemer: Stix are very sneaky, so for the cost of an additional 1 Notoriety, and only if a Stix is made leader, it gains this ability, bringing an additional Chicanery Card to the scenario. Note that this can only be applied to a leader no matter how many Stixes are in your band (for example, you cannot spend 3 Notoriety to boost 3 Stix to gain 3 an additional Chicanery Cards). 

Fly's-Eyes Wagner

Fly's Eyes has pretty decent balanced stats which make him adaptable and a very solid choice all round. As you'll have guessed, it's his abilities which make him more remarkable!
Fly's Eyes Wagner
Image Copyright: Warlord Games

Equipped: This gives you an extra Armoury card. Probably the best ability in the game and the only other character who has it is Johnny Alpha. An extra Armoury Card is always welcome!

Fly's Eyes: This aids Fly's-Eyes in being able to Evade incoming attacks. It has a huge downside in that any time he is stunned or injured, he will be Pinned as well! 

Gunfighter: Thematically good but don't count on getting the chance to use it too often due to the disadvantage of being Pinned due to his Fly's Eyes.


Fly's-Eyes' versatility is his strength so you can feel confident that he can adapt to any situation. The Armoury Card is a great bonus and makes him worth considering as a cheaper alternative to fielding Johnny Alpha. Unfortunately his eyes are more of a hinderance than an ability, and worse still, his Gunfighter ability is rendered useless by it.


Fly's-Eyes' stats are good and the extra Armoury Card may make him a more reasonably priced alternative to Johnny Alpha - or add him to Johnny's band to start with 5 Armoury Cards! Personally, the fact that he is Pinned every time he is stunned or wounded is a bit too much of a disadvantage.

Full disclosure: the Rogue S/D Agents pack is the only SD set I don't own. It'll be in with my next order from Warlord!

Want to read the Outlaw! story I mentioned? Check out Search/Destroy Agency Files 2 for that classic! That, and all of the Strontium Dog graphic novels are available from the 2000AD shop


  1. Hi! Excellent Blog. I'm a Stix fan and was frustrated that I needed 1 extra Stix model point wise to match the classic team of Johnny, Wolf and Gronk. So like you I thought that their Stats weren't high enough and (from left) thought 5,4,4,1,4,5 was a better representation, along with the "Preferred Weapon" (-1 armoury card) custom special rule, we might have something for 13 points? 39 points for a squad of three. Thanks and keep up the awesome work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Matthew,
    Thanks for checking out my blog and taking the time to comment! Did you find this from the links on the recent Strontium Dog Podcast on you Youtube channel? If not, there's a few episodes on there along with video versions of my pal Allan's Strontium Dog: The Killing campaign (as well as some Dredd gaming videos) which you can find here:-
    Confession: I mined a lot of these blog posts for the podcasts so a lot of what I say on those will be *very* familiar!
    I'm really intrigued by your homebrew Stix and I can see the 2 stat increases add 2 Notoriety - but if the Stix receive 1 Armoury Card less, doesn't that amount to a disadvantage which would reduce Notoriety by 1, meaning your version of Stix would cost 11?
    Another suggestion would be to just increase their Notoriety to 12 with the stats alone and reduce Johnny's cost by 3 simply by dropping his secondary weapon, meaning Johnny, Wulf and the Gronk would come in at 37 to the 3 Stix's 36.
    If you're feeling more experimental, you may be interested in the Hero Mode I devised for Johnny which you can find here as well:
    Anyway, I hope some of these suggestions are helpful! Thanks again for reaching out - and your blog is very cool as well, great to see your excellent art!


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