X-Wing Galactic Civil War Episode VII: Rodia

Welcome to the seventh instalment of our X-Wing Campaign. If you're new to this campaign, please have a quick look through the home page on this blog where you'll not only find the previous episodes but the campaign rules too!

Current Renown: Empire 4, Rebels 4
Current Systems Held: Empire 3, Rebels 3

The Galaxy Map
After their crushing defeat over Tatooine, the Imperial fleet attack Rodia in the adjacent system on the Outer Rim. A world of jungles, swamps and oceans, it seems there will be little to stand in their way...but once again the Rebels are in attendance to resist Imperial oppression!

The same force that excelled over Tatooine - a U-Wing and 3 X-Wings - returns to vanquish the Empire again!

U-Wing Build
X-Wing Build (x3)
The Imperials, stung by their latest crushing defeat, dispense with the previous squad and call in a bounty hunter piloting a Firespray. Accompanying the bounty hunter is a TIE Punisher, armed up with cluster missiles, while two Obsidian TIE Fighters complete the squadron.

Firespray & TIE Punisher Builds

TIE Fighters complete the squadron!
Turn 1: In scenes reminiscent of the opening moments at the battle of Tatooine, the U-Wing evades all incoming fire! The TIE Punisher loses a shield.
End of Turn 1
Turn 2: Against two volleys of cluster missiles, the U-Wing miraculously only loses 2 shields! The TIEs and Firespray strip an X-Wing of its shields and destroys its integrated astromech! The focus of the Rebel response, the TIE Punisher, takes an absolute battering, losing all shields and suffering 5 damage!

End of Turn 2
Turn 3: Their training at the Imperial Academy pays dividends as the Rebels suddenly find themselves completely out of position and under fire! One X-Wing is on the brink of destruction while the U-Wing has lost all of its shields!

End of Turn 3
Turn 4: The TIE Punisher - launching another volley of cluster missiles - and the Firespray take another X-Wing to the brink of destruction but still they cannot deliver a killing blow! An X-Wing meanwhile performs a banking K-Turn and finds the TIE Punisher in its sights...

"I see him!"
And doesn't miss! The Punisher is obliterated!
TIE Punisher: Punished!
End of Turn 4
Turn 5: Moments too late to save the Punisher, a TIE Fighter arrives to engage the X-Wing...

"Think I've got a problem here..."
"This is for my old instructor, Captain Oicunn!"
...and destroys the X-Wing!

End of Turn 5
Turn 6: An X-Wing performs a banking K-Turn to land itself directly in the bounty hunter's sights!

X-Wing in distress!

The Firespray unleashes a deadly hail of laser fire!

"Contract says dead. Suits me."
The X-Wing burns up as the TIE Fighters turn their attention to the U-Wing - and destroy it too! The tide has turned!

U-Wing destroyed!
Turn 7: Only one X-Wing remains but it evades much of the incoming fire! It is unable to inflict damage on the TIEs however...

End of Turn 7
Turn 8: The Firespray and a TIE strip the X-Wing of shields and its astromech!

End of Turn 8
Turn 9: The X-Wing remains elusive...

End of Turn 9
Turn 10: The TIEs split their formation to cover all possible trajectories - and are rewarded as the X-Wing swoops across the face of one!

"They came from behind!"
...and finally the X-Wing is destroyed!

"Die Rebel Scum!"
Victory to the Empire! Their Renown has hit 5 and their spy network is now halfway to uncovering the hidden Rebel base...

Rodia belongs to the Empire!
Current Renown: Empire 5, Rebels 4
Systems Held: Empire 4, Rebels 3

The Galaxy Map at the end of Episode VII
The Galactic Civil War continues - Episode VIII coming soon!

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