X-Wing Galactic Civil War Episode II: Dantooine

Welcome to the second instalment of our X-Wing Campaign! If you want to read the campaign rules, please go here! And to read part one, click here.

On Turn 2 of the Campaign, Rebel intelligence identify that Dantooine would make an excellent regional base of operations and move to secure the system. The Empire send forces to engage the Rebel fleet and stymie any sense of hope that a Rebel victory may inspire across the galaxy.

Galaxy Map at the start of Turn 2 Dantooine is on the extreme left of the board
Located in the Raioballo sector on the outer rim, Dantooine is a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes. It has a small population, mostly living in small communities. The world has no industry or advanced technology.

A Rebel Vessel approaches Dantooine
After victory went to the Empire in the first battle, the Imperials' Renown is 2, meaning they can field Pilots with Pilot Skill of 1 or 2 while the Rebels are still restricted to Pilots of Pilot Skill 1.

The Rebels are fielding 3 X-Wings and a U-Wing. In the opening skirmish neither the Rebel and Imperial player were aware of the improvements made to the X-Wings as a result of the Saw's Renegades set. Today's Rebel player is hoping to make the most of those changes!

X-Wing Build x 3
U-Wing Completes Rebel List

After their success in the opening battle, the Imperials are once again bringing a TIE Defender and two TIE Interceptors along with a lone TIE fighter, although this time they will call upon a TIE Bomber armed with missiles to complete their force.

Imperial List

First of all - apologies, we were so eager to get on with the game that we neglected to take pics of the set up and first two turns! We did realise in time to at least note down what happened...

Set Up. The Imperials set up in a row of five on the edge of their baseline (board edge) while the Rebels set up their three X-Wings and U-Wing in a row opposite, although in their case, at the edge of the range one set up space.

Turn 1: Both sides moved cautiously forward with no ships coming into firing range.

Turn 2: The U-Wing pushed forward and the TIEs hit it with everything they could, stripping it of shields! The Rebels targeted the TIE Defender, stripping its shields and inflicting 1 point of damage!

Photos capture the acton from Turn 3 onwards...

Turn 3: With the Rebels holding initiative and moving first, concern about X-Wings making Speed 1 manoeuvres to block resulted in the Imperials opting not to make K-Turns. The Rebel player quite brilliantly anticipated this and put 2 of his X-Wings on K-Turns to get behind the bulk of the Imperial line! The 2 Interceptors are out of arc this turn as is the Rebels' U-Wing...

Turn 3 Post-Movement: X-Wings get the jump on the Imperials!
The TIE Bomber launches a devastating attack as Cluster Missiles hammer the nearest X-Wing, stripping it of shields and inflicting heavy damage - the sacrifice of the integrated astromech is all that saves it from destruction! The Defender and TIE Fighter strip the shields of the X-Wing before them...

...but the Rebels destroy the TIE Defender! It's a huge setback for the Empire early on in proceedings!

The TIE Defender is obliterated!
End of Turn 3
Turn 4: The Empire strikes back! The Interceptors and TIE fighter perform K-Turns and, backed up by the TIE Bomber strip all shields from enemy fighters as well as destroying their astromechs! More importantly, an X-Wing is destroyed!

An X-Wing Rookie is Roasted!
The Rebels by comparison have a poor turn as an X-Wing and the U-Wing cannot fire. The X-Wings are unable to land any blows on their enemies.

End of Turn 4

Turn 5: The Rebels adjust their flight patterns to reposition.  The U-Wing inflicts damage on the TIE fighter.

End of Turn 5

Turn 6: A series of bumps work out in the Rebels' favour. The Empire inflicts no damage this turn - but the TIE bomber suffers a massive 5 hits while one X-Wing finishes off the TIE fighter from range!

Whoa! That got him!
End of Turn 6
Turn 7: The Imperials come around again. They desperately need to mete out some punishment this turn to get back into the game!

Imperials have good position - but so too do the Rebels!
But they can't land a single hit! The Rebels have no such problems however as one Interceptor takes two hits and the other is destoryed!

Scratch a TIE Interceptor!

Turn 8: The last TIE Interceptor bumps the U-Wing, triggering the anti-pursuit lasers! A hit is rolled and the Interceptor is vaporised! The TIE Bomber gets into range but fails again to land any damage! It, in turn suffers heavy returning fire and is destroyed!

Turn 8 Post Movement

"Outstanding Red Team, outstanding. I'll getcha a crate of beer for that one." 
The Rebels are victorious!

The Rebel flag flies over Dantooine on the galaxy map! Having scored their first success against the Empire, Mon Mothma issues an impassioned call for people across the galaxy to rise up against their Imperial oppressors! Various Rebel cells soon after rendezvous over the regional base of operations on Dantooine and for the first time the entire Rebel fleet is assembled!

The Galaxy Map at the end of Episode II
Can the Rebels build upon their success? Find out in Episode III - coming soon!

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