Strontium Dog Miniatures Game - Durham Red

Durham Red

Art by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion 2000AD Ltd 
One of the most feared Strontium Dogs (even among fellow S/D Agents), Durham Red's bizarre mutation gives her a vampiric appearance - and a few of those mythical creatures' traits! Out of all of Johnny's close circle of allies, Red is the only one he doesn't trust - and with good reason! Another fan favourite, Red is something of a rarity in the series, a central female character! Fortunately, Red is no damsel in distress; she knows what she wants and will do whatever it takes to get it! 


Red is an excellent all-rounder, moving as fast and reacting as quickly as Johnny! Handy with her dual guns. Criminal scum underestimating this lady do so at their peril! As with all of Johnny's close associates (except the Gronk), she brings an all-important star chip to the table.

Skills and Special Abilities

Bloodsucker: This is a fantastic thematic ability which, if it kicks in, sees Red draining the blood from a close combat victim to boost her Cool by 1 (non-cumulative)! This would raise her to a Cool of 5, Johnny being the only other character with Cool that high!

Gunfighter: Red knows how to handle guns and, if she is unpinned, she has the chance to use this ability to get the drop on any opponents firing upon her!

Vampire!: Getting too close to wounded characters limits some of Red's double actions including Aimed Shot. She's good enough with her guns for this not to be a huge issue; two snap shots usually work out as well as one aimed! 

Tactics for playing Red

Red's gun skill and Gunfighter ability are formidable so I personally would favour keeping her at range, behind some cover if possible. While she is likely to land attacks in close combat, it's worth remembering that she cannot inflict the level of damage that Wulf and Middenface are capable of; you should therefore expect close combat affairs to take an extra activation or two to put down opponents (assuming you engage them while they are at full strength). The big advantage in taking down an opponent in close combat is that there's a chance that the Bloodsucker ability will be activated, giving her that all-important Cool boost. Softening up opponents with gunplay and then going in for the kill to try to activate Bloodsucker is probably the best way to play her. Don't make Bloodsucker your main focus however, as activating it is far from a certainty. When playing her as part of a team featuring Johnny, Wulf and/or Middenface, I would generally activate her last. Those three other characters are more powerful if you play them to their respective strengths so it is best trying to deal out as much damage with them as possible and try to put their star chips back into the bag, activating them again and again. That of course, is situational and not a strict dogma you should adopt!


A great all-rounder, playing Red makes things easier for you as a player; you know she should do well no matter what situation she finds herself in! Just don't get suckered by Bloodsucker! Engaging tough, unwounded adversaries in close combat is unwise!

Optional Homebrew Rules (with special thanks to fellow SD superfan Leigh Shepherd for suggestions to these rules)

Fangs: For 2 Notoriety or an extra 20,000 bounty, Red's fangs add +1 to her Fight in close combat. Note that because of the extra cost, Red does not suffer the usual -1 penalty to shooting associated with fangs. 
Player note: The purchase of the fangs makes Red the ultimate all-rounder, as proficient in close combat as she is with weapons!

Creds over loyalty: Money is more important to Red than honour. At the end of the scenario, make a modified Cool test (based on current stats at the end of the scenario); if she passes by rolling a 2000AD result, she secretly pockets some of the money. Deduct 10% from all earnings (bounty less expenses) made on the job.

Double-crosser!: Sometimes greed gets the better of Red and she will employ seductive charm to double-cross allies and rob them blind. If you use this optional rule, both players must agree that Red will be played as follows:- you may field Red for a reduced 2 Notoriety/20,000 cred bounty. At the end of the scenario, make a modified Cool test for Red. If she passes the test by rolling a 2000AD result, she will hold her nerve and steal 50% of all earnings from the job! If she makes off with the money in a campaign, she is so convincing that none of the rest of the team even suspect! This means she will stick around and try to steal more, meaning more rolls in future encounters! Note also that if this option is selected for Red, it replaces Creds over loyalty; this ensures she cannot attempt to steal twice from the proceeds of one job.

Red spikes Johnny's drink to make off with the job earnings...
Art by Carlos Ezquerra, copyright Rebellion 2000AD Ltd
Not so fast Red! Red's fellow combatants have a chance to see through her schemes; her allies in the scenario also make modified Cool tests (based on stats at the end of the battle). If any pass, they see through Red's scheme and her attempt to steal earnings fails. If they all fail, 50% of profits are lost as above. Note that if an ally passes the test and sees through Red's ruse in a campaign, she may not be fielded in the following scenario as she has bridges to build before he will work with her again! 

Note that if Johnny is part of the campaign team but was not played in the scenario, Not So Fast Red! cannot be used (Red alters the accounts to pocket the money before they rendezvous again). 

Player Notes: Taking Double-Crosser and getting Red for a reduced two Notoriety may be tempting but the chance that she will make off with the half of the earnings is potentially devastating! Losing earnings at the end of a scenario usually equates to losing the scenario! It is extremely bad news in a campaign too, potentially hammering funds multiple times over (although that would be a result of horrendous luck). Also, if someone catches her in the act, she cannot feature in the next scenario... High reward means big risk! Kudos to anyone who plays this for going full thematic!

...bur Johnny is no-one's fool!
Art by Carlos Ezquerra, copyright Rebellion 2000AD Ltd

Optional Homebrew "Bitch" Package: field Red for the standard cost of 13 Notoriety with Fangs, Double-Crosser! and Not So Fast Red! for the ultimate thematic Durham Red experience!  

The Strontium Dog Miniatures Game is available from Warlord Games.  If you want to get your teeth into it, click here!

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