Since the release of Warlord Games' Strontium Dog Miniatures Game, those of us who are members of The Dog House: Unofficial Strontium Dog Miniatures Game Group on Facebook have been fortunate enough to be able to field rules questions to the game's designers, Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe. Most of the answers we got were simply clarifying or reiterating points about the rules but there is some errata as well.
As not all SD players will have Facebook accounts or be group members, I thought it might be handy to make a public post here covering everything discussed. I will endeavour to keep updating this post if there are further questions and clarifications. Enjoy!
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Star Chips: Players may attempt to "Go For Broke" but are not obliged to do so. It is always a player's choice to attempt to return Star Chips to the bag as there is the potential penalty of being Pinned which can cause fresh issues when activating the following turn (especially for models using heavy weapons which can only be activated with a double action).
Spare Chips In The Bag: You may find that in the course of a turn that you have several characters either subdued or incapacitated whose chips are still in the bag. If you draw a chip, you cannot opt to discard it unless you have already activated all of your models this turn (you cannot allocate a chip to a model who already has used a chip this turn). For clarity, this means that if you still have a mix of standard and Star chips in the bag, if you draw a standard chip, you must assign it to one of your models available, even if all of the models in play are characters who have Cool of 4+.
Evade: You do not make an Evade roll if the model targeting you lands no Hit results (and therefore cannot move an extra 3" if you were to succeed in evading). If you are engaged in Close Combat and you make an Evade roll, you can opt to move the 3" away as usual, but this removes you from Close Combat but the usual rules about Escaping Close Combat do not apply (no free attack against you if you leave CC through Evading). This that this rule applies whether you Evade a Close Combat attack or a Ranged Attack from a third party.
No Hits: If an attack rolls zero Hits on the Combat Dice, this means the result is currently 0 which would inflict a Stun; this means that a Resist roll should still be made by the defending model and a Stun applied if no Armour results are rolled.
Spare Chips In The Bag: You may find that in the course of a turn that you have several characters either subdued or incapacitated whose chips are still in the bag. If you draw a chip, you cannot opt to discard it unless you have already activated all of your models this turn (you cannot allocate a chip to a model who already has used a chip this turn). For clarity, this means that if you still have a mix of standard and Star chips in the bag, if you draw a standard chip, you must assign it to one of your models available, even if all of the models in play are characters who have Cool of 4+.
Evade: You do not make an Evade roll if the model targeting you lands no Hit results (and therefore cannot move an extra 3" if you were to succeed in evading). If you are engaged in Close Combat and you make an Evade roll, you can opt to move the 3" away as usual, but this removes you from Close Combat but the usual rules about Escaping Close Combat do not apply (no free attack against you if you leave CC through Evading). This that this rule applies whether you Evade a Close Combat attack or a Ranged Attack from a third party.
No Hits: If an attack rolls zero Hits on the Combat Dice, this means the result is currently 0 which would inflict a Stun; this means that a Resist roll should still be made by the defending model and a Stun applied if no Armour results are rolled.
Sprint Markers and their effects remain in place until the model is next activated.
You can move through friendly models without penalty.
Firing Multiple Weapons: +1 to Shoot per additional weapon fired, defender receives a total +1 to Resist regardless of how many guns are firing upon them, not +1 to Resist per additional weapon fired.
You suffer a -1 to Shoot when firing weapons at models which are engaged in Close Combat. If you hit, you hit the intended target, while a miss is a miss. Missed shots do not hit other units engaged in the Close Combat.
Injuries: the -1 to stats applies to Move as well as other stats. i.e. if you take two wounds, all of your stats will be at -2 meaning your Move is also reduced by 2".
Charge Actions can be still be used even if you are already engaged in close combat.
Aimed Shots and Armoury cards: The rules on the armoury card replace the normal aimed shot rules and benefits - you have to declare the aimed shot action simply to use the card.
Throwing Grenades: Remember to use Fight to roll to hit for Grenades. If you are more than 3" away from the target, it counts as long range and Fight at -1. If you miss when throwing a grenade, roll for scatter just as you would for any blast weapon missing the target.
Burst Weapons & Intervening Blocking Terrain: When area effect weapons destroy cover which shields a model from its effects (such as a wall), if they are also within the burst area of the weapon, they may take damage (Evade rolls made as normal). If the intervening blocking terrain stands up to the damage, it protects other models from the hit, even if they are within the burst area of the weapon.
Mutations which award a +1 to Fight are applied both to the roll to hit and the damage (provided the attack makes use of the mutation).
Burst Weapons & Intervening Blocking Terrain: When area effect weapons destroy cover which shields a model from its effects (such as a wall), if they are also within the burst area of the weapon, they may take damage (Evade rolls made as normal). If the intervening blocking terrain stands up to the damage, it protects other models from the hit, even if they are within the burst area of the weapon.
Mutations which award a +1 to Fight are applied both to the roll to hit and the damage (provided the attack makes use of the mutation).
Unless the scenario states otherwise, picking up items/weapons is free (such as "Der Happy Stick" after it has been Thrown) and do not cost an action to perform.
Special Abilities: Unless it states otherwise in the description, these can be used for models which are Pinned.
Johnny Weird Eyes: When Johnny uses his eyes to target enemies behind walls and other cover, they are treated as being in Hard Cover. This is usually provides the target with +2 to Resist but because of Johnny's variable blasters, this only provides a cover benefit of +1 Resist.
Johnny's "In My Head" ability can be used to take control of an enemy model. If the target model fails a Cool test, Johnny can compel the target model perform a single action, including using the model to attack its own allies. It cannot be used to compel the victim to throw away their weapons (as no such action exists). It can be used, only if Scenario rules allow it, to move models off the board.
Option: do not bring the Webley blaster with Johnny to reduce his Notoriety to 19 and his Bounty to 190,000. Or try out my home-brew hero mode for the same cost reduction!
The Gronk has Cool of 1, not Cool of 5. As a result, he does not receive a Star Chip.
Gronk's "I has the best medicines": roll the target model's unmodified Resist.
Low-Down O'Phee & Skull errata: Their Stormers fire 24", not 16" (note that Brute and Impetigo range is still 16" due to the splitter modification on their Stormers.)
Low-Down's +1 to Resist when attached to cover is cumulative with any built in cover bonuses; i.e. he gets +3 Resist when in Hard Cover, compared to when he has no cover.
Chicanery Cards are usually played in between chips being drawn. If both players try to play Chicanery cards in between the same draw, the player who first announced their intent to play a card does so first. Players may only play 1 Chicanery card each between activations.
Anti-Grav Shot: You can still roll for Evade when you are suffering the effects of this weapon. Assuming he had an Evade stat at all, Vicious Malicious would have failed his Evade test when the Osmongs had their "bird-shoot" in The Killing.
Low-Down O'Phee & Skull errata: Their Stormers fire 24", not 16" (note that Brute and Impetigo range is still 16" due to the splitter modification on their Stormers.)
Low-Down's +1 to Resist when attached to cover is cumulative with any built in cover bonuses; i.e. he gets +3 Resist when in Hard Cover, compared to when he has no cover.
Chicanery Cards are usually played in between chips being drawn. If both players try to play Chicanery cards in between the same draw, the player who first announced their intent to play a card does so first. Players may only play 1 Chicanery card each between activations.
Anti-Grav Shot: You can still roll for Evade when you are suffering the effects of this weapon. Assuming he had an Evade stat at all, Vicious Malicious would have failed his Evade test when the Osmongs had their "bird-shoot" in The Killing.
Named Characters: Those shown in the books have had all costings built into them for weapons and also stats already amended to reflect any special rules such as High Power on weapons and mutations which affect stats (such as Impetigo Jones whose Move has been reduced by 1 and Resist increased by 1).
Skull Markers: Reminder that these are only used in Campaigns and denote a character carrying a wound throughout the game. Note that characters with Berserker skill cannot ignore this and stats are reduced by 1 from the outset of the scenario. When they take their first wound during the scenario, Berserker skill then activates.
Hold Up Scenario: At the start of deployment the players place 5 cache markers, starting with the defending player and then take turns in placing each remaining marker. Each marker must be within 6” of the table centre and at least 3” from another marker.
These markers can be picked up by a model in contact with the marker by spending a single action.
Whilst carrying a cache marker a model may not Sprint or Charge unless they drop the cache at the start of their movement (free action). If a model is Pinned, Stunned or Wounded by an attack it drops the cache on the spot. A protagonist model captures a cache by picking it up (but they can drop it again as described); a defender model stashes a cache by moving off the table with it (or loading it onto a shuttle – see the box out).
These markers can be picked up by a model in contact with the marker by spending a single action.
Whilst carrying a cache marker a model may not Sprint or Charge unless they drop the cache at the start of their movement (free action). If a model is Pinned, Stunned or Wounded by an attack it drops the cache on the spot. A protagonist model captures a cache by picking it up (but they can drop it again as described); a defender model stashes a cache by moving off the table with it (or loading it onto a shuttle – see the box out).
Raiders Scenario: After deployment, the protagonist models get a free single movement action after deployment.
Page 92 Corral rules: The word "encounter" is missing from the end of the text.
Pack Models: if one model is Pinned, all of the pack are also Pinned.
Time Bombs in Campaigns: Time Bombs are preset to deliver the criminal to a time and a place for incarceration. In effect, time bombs do not kill enemy models so affected characters are not removed from the campaign roster. It is up to players whether they have somehow escaped or if they perhaps wish to run a scenario where they attempt to break out their comrade(s) from their prison.
In Campaigns, you still receive the Collateral as set out in the Jobs and Encounters descriptions, but the players also can spend additional Collateral for the scenario provided they have set aside funds to do so.
Scenario 1: When S/D agents get control of an outlaw, they can only make it do a Move action, and may not do anything else (i.e.shoot at fellow outlaws).
Dervish Dogs: it costs 6 for both, making them effectively worth 3 each.
The Armoury and Chicanery cards that come with model packs should be added to the decks that came with the starter set. If you have more than one starter set, you can add the additional decks together if you wish but it isn't mandatory either.
Mounted Models: Notoriety or Bounties are not increased if models are mounted. The relevant Collateral does though require to be spent to bring them to the table.
Mounted Models: Notoriety or Bounties are not increased if models are mounted. The relevant Collateral does though require to be spent to bring them to the table.