Strontium Dog Miniatures Game - Bubo and the Bad Boys

Bubo and the Bad Boys

Bubo and his Bad Boys are dangerous - and hungry - alien outlaws who enjoy stealing from and eating their victims! Any self-respecting Strontium Dog fan would happily take the job to put the vile Bubo and his Bad Boys out of business for good; now you can do so yourself in Warlord Games' Strontium Dog Miniatures Game

Bubo and the Bad Boys by Carlos Ezquerra
Copyright Rebellion 2000AD Ltd


Experts on mork-back, Bubo and his Bad Boys are fast-moving and lethal enemies if they get the chance to engage opponents in close combat. Bubo himself is particularly devastating, as powerful as the feared Wulf Sternhammer! 

Skills and Special Abilities

Bubo and his Bad Boys are hairy which offers them some protection in close combat, and their fangs give them extra bite when savaging their victims! They are poor with ranged weapons, mostly because of their mork mounts' unsteady gait, but they do have the opportunity to Evade incoming fire. They also all have Born to Ride...

Born to Ride: this means that the riders cannot be dislodged from their mounts. It is a handy rule to save Warlord having to build the trio on foot as well as on morks, but if you wanted to dismount, Darkus and his Howlers make excellent proxies. Likewise, if you wanted Darkus' team to be mounted on morks, Bubo and the Bad Boys make excellent proxies for them! More importantly though, the Born to Ride ability allows the team to re-roll their respective additional mork movement rolls, meaning there is a good chance they will move very quickly indeed!

Bubo - but not his Bad Boys - also has the following abilities:

Carnivore: A nice thematic ability which encourages you to have the outlaws take their enemies alive - to eat! You gain a 10,000 credit bonus to bounties for subdued enemies, but this isn't a huge sum and could prove to be an unwelcome distraction, particularly in a one-off scenario (the Pay Off is more important in campaign play as funds allow you to buy reinforcements and the like).  

Zap the Saps!: A fantastic ability that allows Bubo to return his Bad Boys' chips to the bag! If you get lucky with the order in which Bubo draws his Star Chip and in returning them to the bag, the whole crew has the opportunity to run amok and put down enemies before they even know what hit them!

Tactics for playing Bubo and the Bad Boys

It couldn't be simpler; Sprint, Sprint, Sprint then when enemies are in range, Fight, Fight, Fight! If at all possible, keep your team out of sight behind buildings and the like, then when the enemies close in, pounce upon them! The team aren't much use with guns so your focus should simply be to engage enemies in close combat at all times. Do not make use of the rule which allows you to finish the rest of your move after close combat has been resolved unless you have put your enemy down or have cover to make use of; it is more advantageous to remain in close combat than to be out in the open. Their fur offers them a +1 increase to their Resist stat when in Close Combat so you really want to avoid Ranged Fire if possible (stating the obvious, I know). At the very least, if you are engaged in Close Combat, enemy units targeting you with ranged weapons suffer a -1 to their roll to hit. It's crucial to remember that using two Fight single actions is more effective than using the Charge double action; the +1 to power in Charge comes in handy but it doesn't beat the damage you'll inflict if you land two Fight attacks! As mentioned above, don't become too obsessed with the Carnivore bonus; if you put the opposition down, you're likely to win the scenario anyway, regardless of the odd 10,000 bonus. That said, if you want to play them thematically, you should aim to subdue at least one enemy for them to eat later! At all times keep the Zap the Saps! ability foremost in your mind; it is crucial to keep the Bad Boys within 6" of Bubo so he can use this special single action to put their chips back in the bag! If luck goes your way, this pack of three can utterly decimate even the most powerful opponents! One last piece of advice - beware flame weapons!  


Bubo and his Boys aren't just bad, they're downright fearsome! Get up close and personal with your enemies and never forget to cry "Zap the Saps"!

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