Epic War - Midnight Campaign Part I: Building a War

Welcome to Midnight!

The Orks launch an invasion of the land of Midnight, home to many Squat settlements and cities. Both sides have 40,000 points of Net Epic forces at their disposal. I'm using my home-brew Epic War! campaign rules to run this.

At stake is the land of Midnight, (see map below). Note that "Citadels" are actually "Cities" for the purposes of the campaign. 

The Squats and Orks will split their 40,000 points between armies of 2,000, 4,000 or 6,000 points. These armies will fight across this landscape, with each force having a base. 

The player who racks up 400VPs first wins.

Players tally up the VPs earned in-game for breaking enemy units and for controlling Campaign Objective Markers (COMs)

A grid is applied to the map (see below). Small armies of 2,000 points can move 3 squares per turn if on Advance orders, 6 if on Charge orders. 4,000 points can move 2 squares per turn, 4 on Charge orders. 6,000 points can move 1 square per turn, 2 on Charge orders.

The Squat base is the city of Xajorkith (highlighted near the right-hand bottom of map), while the Ork base is the city of Ushgarak (near centre top of map, highlighted in green).

There are eight Campaign Objective Markers (COMs) to be captured by the competing armies, each worth 20 CVPs. Bases are each worth 40 CVPs.

Both players decided to split their forces into 10 armies (this was a decision made independently of each other). Each army is represented by a Commander token (as shown on right hand side of the map). Each Commander will be represented on the field of battle by an HQ unit of some description. Each player can only field as many armies as they have Commanders. All armies start in the bases but once they move out they may not occupy the same square on the grid as another army. (This is to prevent steamroller tactics where armies are stacked.)

And without further delay, the war begins!

Turn 1 (Post Movement): Ork and Squat armies surge forth from their bases and move to capture COMs.

Turn 1 (End Phase): the Squats have captured 2 COMs while the Orks have captured 3!  (Remember that COMs are worth 20VPs each, while Base COMs are worth 40VPs.)

Squats 60 VPs
Orks 80 VPS

Target: 400VPs

Turn 2 (Post Movement): There are two flashpoints as armies clash! On the left, a Squat army charges to take the Campaign Objective near to the Tower of the Moon but an Ork army also charges and moves to fight for the objective! 

Meanwhile, the Orks also launch an assault on the City of Marakith but the Squats are better prepared for attack as, already in position, they opt to use First Fire orders. With the Orks Charging in, the Squats will get some in-battle bonuses!

The battles will be fought on the squares outlined in red.

Watch out for Midnight Campaign Part II: Skirmish in the Shadows!

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